Covid-19 UPDATE

Covid-19 update
In order to support the health and safety of all of our community partners, employees and families the Best Care Agency has made changes to the delivery of some of our services and in how we are meeting with Families, Employees, Community Partners. Best Care Agency Follows all Government Guidelines which can be found on the government website. Since COVID-19 was declared as a pandemic, the following safety measures were implemented by our company:
Virtual meetings and online signing documents to assist with fast track hiring and admitting clients.
Best care agency employees were divided into regions to be serviced.
Each private client will be assigned a maximum of 2 caregivers.
Each home has designated Agency staffing
Day trips must be pre booked and will be serviced only by transport staff wearing Full PPE. Clients must also wear PPE.
Weekly or Bi-Weekly COVID testing is mandatory
Wearing PPE is mandatory at all times.
Daily mandatory Covid-19 self screening
All employees in both sectors are required to change to their uniforms at their assigned workplace, and change into the street clothes leaving the workplace.
All employees in the private /staffing solution sector are required to disinfect High touch surfaces as part of their new job description .
Best Care Agency implemented mandatory ongoing online workshops for all employees related to New Healthcare Guidelines. Best Care Agency Ltd. would encourage all community members to continue to follow public health information, practice good hand hygiene and social distancing. For more information on COVID-19, please visit the Government Public Health Department’s website.
If you have any questions, you are encouraged to call us at 905-719 4915